Remuneration of Board of Directors
The Shareholders Nomination Board proposes to the Annual General Meeting the remuneration paid to the Board of Directors. In the Annual General Meeting on 9 April 2024, it was resolved that the fees are kept unchanged, and the members of the Board of Directors should be paid annual fees as follows:
- EUR 92,000 for the Chair of the Board of Directors;
- EUR 53,000 for the Vice Chair of the Board of Directors;
- EUR 53,000 for each of the Chairs of the Committees of the Board of Directors; and
- EUR 48,000 for each ordinary member of Board of Directors.
Approximately 40% of the annual fee will be paid in Purmo Group’s Class C shares.
The annual fee shall be paid to the members of the Board of Directors within two weeks after the publication of the first quarter interim report or as soon as legally possible thereafter. The Company will pay the costs and transfer tax related to the acquisition of shares. If a part of the fee cannot be paid in shares as required by law or other regulations or for reasons related to a member of the Board of Directors, the fee may be paid full in cash. If the term of office of a member of the Board of Directors would be shorter, the fee would be paid in proportion to the length of their term of office.
In addition to the annual fee, the members of Board of Directors should be paid a meeting fee for each meeting of the Board of Directors and its committees as follows:
- EUR 800 per meeting held in the country of residence of member of the Board of Directors;
- EUR 1,400 per meeting held outside the country of residence of the member of the Board of Directors but on the same continent as the country of residence of the member of the Board of Directors;
- EUR 2,600 per meeting held on another continent than the country of residence of the member of the Board of Directors; or
- EUR 800 per meeting held by telephone or through virtual communication channels.
In addition, an additional meeting fee of EUR 800 be paid to the Chair of the Board of Directors and the Chairs of the Committees of the Board of Directors for each meeting of the Board of Directors and its Committees.
In addition, compensation for reasonable travel, accommodation and other expenses related to the Board of Directors and committee work are to be reimbursed according to the applicable policies of the Company.
Each member of the Board of Directors shall have the right to abstain from receiving remuneration.