Composition of Virala Acquisition Company Plc’s Shareholders’ Nomination Board

10 August 2021


The Shareholders’ Nomination Board of Virala Acquisition Company Plc (“VAC”) was established by a unanimous shareholder resolution on 13 June 2021. The Shareholders' Nomination Board, established to serve until further notice, is responsible for preparing, annually and otherwise when appropriate, proposals concerning the election and the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors, including the Chairman and the Vice Chairman, to the following Annual General Meeting.

The Shareholders’ Nomination Board consists of three members, appointed by the largest shareholders. In addition, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of VAC acts as an expert member of the Nomination Board. The right to nominate a member to VAC’s Shareholders’ Nomination Board was determined based on the share ownership registered in the shareholder register as at 31 July 2021 and analysis thereof.

The following members have been appointed to VAC’s Shareholders' Nomination Board:

  • Alexander Ehrnrooth, Chief Executive Officer of Virala Oy Ab and Chairman of the Board of VAC
  • Peter Seligson, Ahlstrom Invest B.V
  • Jarkko Takanen, Jussi Capital Oy

The Shareholders’ Nomination Board has from among its members elected Alexander Ehrnrooth as Chairman of the Nomination Board at its organizational meeting on 10 August 2021.

Virala Acquisition Company Plc

Further enquiries and interview requests

Charlotta Palm, Project Assistant, Virala Oy Ab, +358 50 357 5566


Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd
Principal media

About VAC

Virala Acquisition Company Plc (VAC) is a Finnish acquisition company, tailored to the Finnish capital markets. The goal of VAC is to identify and execute one or more acquisitions that aim to create significant value for both the shareholders and the target company, as well as diversify the Finnish capital markets. VAC seeks one or more companies and/or businesses with an estimated enterprise value ranging from approximately EUR 50 to EUR 500 million. The founding shareholder of VAC is the industrial enterprise Virala which has committed to act as a long-term anchor owner and developer of the companies to be acquired.

About Virala

Virala is a long-established industrial owner company. Virala Group includes family-owned and co-controlled private and publicly traded companies, in which Virala acts as an active owner with significant shareholdings. In addition, the Group actively manages a global portfolio including private equity, venture capital and real estate investments. In 2020 Virala Group was the leading investor in three listed companies in Finland and Sweden, which in aggregate generated EUR 4.6 billion in revenue and had more than 13,000 employees around the world in 2020. Virala Group’s average annual return on equity was 24.7 per cent during 2014–2020. The parent company of Virala Group, Virala Corporation, is owned by Alexander and Albert Ehrnrooth.

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