Skilled labour shortage3 creates reverse opportunities for Purmo Group’s business
- The demographics are shifting with the ageing population, particularly in developed countries. As traditional construction methods face challenges in finding skilled labour, there is a growing interest in off-site construction, including prefabrication.
– It is expected that by 2030, there will be a global human talent shortage of more than 85 million.
– Europe is particularly expected to be impacted by a shortage in skilled labour.
– Building and related trades are expected to see some of the highest labour shortages in the EU.
– The shifting immigration patterns and restrictions in some markets are further limiting the availability of skilled workers.
How does Purmo Group address this
- The Group has a range of prefabricated products through our brands, such as Thermotech.
- Purmo Group’s solutions streamline the construction process by providing prefabricated products that are easy to install and integrate.
- The company’s commitment to efficiency translates into shortened project timelines, enabling builders to meet deadlines without compromising on quality.
3) Sources: Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE) report 2023, European Commission. The global talent crunch, a study by Korn Ferry, 2020. Future of Jobs report, World Economic Forum, 2023 (Most common labour shortages by occupations in Europe).